Esther Tranchemontagne portrait



Executive Vice-President

Central to philanthropy: management from a human perspective
Following four years as the first lay director of residence services at her alma mater, Collège Jésus-Marie in Sillery, as well as dedicated involvement with the college foundation’s board of directors, Esther decided that professional philanthropy was for her.

Esther then worked at Campus Notre-Dame-de-Foy as event planner for this college’s conference services and co ordinator of its major fundraising campaign. Drawing on her additional awareness of entrepreneurship gained from experience in retail sales, Esther became convinced that the social economy would benefit from a more robust culture of philanthropy. To put her knowledge and expertise at the service of the community and make a difference, she joined BNP Philanthropic Performance.

Esther changes the world in her own way: one day at a time, one client at a time, one cause at a time. She is proudest to see clients succeed who have had an unusual or a winding path to follow. In accompanying clients, promoting their growth and developing their talents, Esther’s experience in the field of education constantly reminds her that people are central.

A memory that Esther cherishes is the training and the introduction to the world of philanthropy that she received from Jean-Robert Nolet, joint founder of de BNP Philanthropic Performance. The knowledge she gained has provided an incredible opportunity for her to serve clients with discipline and professionalism, while promoting healthy work life balance.

taking opportunities every day
to act with goodwill in your personal and professional life.

Good causes that are a good fit
In Esther’s view, different causes are a good fit at different stages of our lives. These days she is an ambassador for the Quebec YWCA and its benefit gala evening, De l’ombre à la lumière [from the shadows into the light]. Inspired by women’s resilience and perseverance, she rediscovers courage and solidary in each woman she meets.

Also an ambassador for the Laurent & cie philanthropic fund, Esther supports and accompanies its development team. This fund assists the families of children with cancer or “orphan diseases”, diseases that are so rare that there is little incentive to develop treatment for them.

To encourage and expand skills based volunteering, for the past two years Esther has been proud to endorse and promote Bénévoles d’expertise (BE), an expert volunteer matching organization.

Esther’s three ways to a better world:

  1. Everyone offers their talent, expertise and experience to a cause that resonates with their values.
  2. Organizations’ managers and directors care about inter agency co operation.
  3. The next generation of leaders continues to develop and promote a culture of philanthropy, at every opportunity and in every situation.

Her expertises

  • Business Development
  • Human resources
  • Major fundraising campaign
  • Financing program
  • Alumni networking
  • Social responsibility

Esther is certified to interpret Atman psychometric tests.

Her sectors

  • Education
  • Community
  • Sports and recreation